Thursday, July 06, 2006

HACMP SAN/NAS consultant in Dallas, TX

Looking for full time Technical Support person to provide weekend coverage and person and be on call. You must possess a working technical knowledge of IBM HACMP & SAN/NAS Team equipment / software products. You willl support HACMP software running on AIX operating system and will support DASD which includes SSA disks and SCSI RAID in a single node and shared between multiple nodes environment. You should be familiar with configuring the above dasd in RAID and non RAID configuration, configuration of volume group, logical volume and filesystem in a shared and non-shared environment. You will be configuring/troubleshooting all aspects of the HACMP software; configuring/troubleshooting the above DASD and analyzing DASD error reports; You will need TCP/IP networking skill to understand HACMP network requirements; Shell scripting/programming in an AIX/UNIX environment is a plus. Knowledgeable of EMC powerpaths, IBM 2105 shark and other network attached disks are a plus. You should be able to install/configure/trouble shoot all the above SAN products and be familiar with configuring the above SAN into AIX and windows operating system. Contract is for one year.
Experience: HACML
EMC powerpath
IBM shark To Apply to this job go to or click here