Thursday, January 10, 2008

.Net Support Engineer in Dallas, TX

Ring in the New Year with great career opportunities from Irvine Technology Corporation.

We are looking for the following

3 Month Contract to Hire

2 positions

C# .NET Application Support Engineers

Dallas, TX

Seeking the best C# .NET application support engineers to join our development team. Our environment is completely .NET/C#, Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server running on a state-of-the-art VMWare virtual infrastructure.

Responsible for multiple applications, support, maintenance, bugs and fixes.

A minimum of 2 years software support experience.

Knowledge of the Business Logic, Data Access, and Presentation layers of a N-Teir environment

A results-oriented IT attitude which thrives in a rapidly evolving, fast-paced environment.

Knowledge of agile/XP software development methodologies.

A passion for software development and enjoy staying abreast with the most current technologies.

An understanding of the how and why of SOA.

Supported at least one rich web application using DHTML and preferably AJAX.

Supported highly interactive and usable web GUI's yet be familiar with windows based GUI development as well.

You will be joining a team to support, extend, integrate, and customize a state-of-the-art SOA oof-the-shelf product while concurrently supporting business critical applications with the end goal of bringing all systems in house.
Experience: Please send resumes to in a word doc.

To Apply to this job go to or click here