Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Web Usability Manager in Dallas, TX

As a member of the client User Experience team, work with strategy, creative and technology teams to improve the Customer Experience for the website. Research the customers, grow and apply user research practices. Collaborate closely with other user experience colleagues, product managers, marketing managers, editors, designers and front-end developers to design and conduct user research studies throughout the product cycle. Manage usability testing and enforcing all policies and procedures in this niche. Improve research process for testing product changes and gathering user feedback throughout the product development lifecycle. Take leadership role in developing transactional, informational and marketing websites. Understand target audiences' needs, tasks, and gols and translating them into creative concepts. Lead and participate in immersive user research, concept testing and usability testing. Collaboratively develop prototypes for demonstration of concepts to key stakeholders and clients. Develop and document detailed user experience specifications for highly interactive interfaces.
Experience: Bachelor Degree - Graphic Design, Industrial Design; 3+ years experience in usability assessment/testing, website development, user website experience, HTML coding; demonstrated ability to design complex transactional interfaces; demonstrated experience observing user research and translating user research into design decisions; patience for long term research initiatives.

To Apply to this job go to http://www.GadBall.com or click here