Thursday, September 07, 2006

Progress Developer in Dallas, TX

Short Description:
Conducts the analysis, design, programming, evaluation, testing and implementation of computer systems programming application activities.
Complete Description:
Conducts the analysis, design, programming, evaluation, testing and implementation of computer systems programming application activities. Develops and writes business applications computer software. Develops statements of problems and requirements, designs systems and programs, and writes programs in computer language for solution by means of data processing equipment. Applies knowledge of computer hardware and software subject matter to be programmed in business applications, information processing techniques, and uses information gathered from system users to develop software. Corrects program errors, prepares operating instructions, compiles documentation of program development, and analyzes system capabilities to resolve questions of program intent, output requirements, input data acquisition, programming techniques, and controls. Develops conversion and system implementation plans.

Gary K. Tetreault
PALADIN Consulting, Inc.
3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1140
Dallas, TX. 75234
ext. 3955 Toll free
Website: to see our Current opportunities available.
Experience: Progress V9 (4 years),Understanding of EDI Process / Documents, GenTran (1 year) desired. To Apply to this job go to or click here