Monday, April 30, 2007

Mulimedia Development/Design Specialist in Dallas, TX

The Creative Group has multiple positions for strong web/multimedia development talent. These positions require Flash and Actionscript 2 or 3. These positions though development in daily responsibilities requires a strong sense of design and ad agency experience. The right people will be part of a serious interactive team of creatives and developers that conceptualize and realize some of the most innovative websites online now for some of the most prestigious brands in the world. If this is who you are, please email your resume to Experience: Flash, Actionscript and a combination of related development programs such as C++, Java, ASP, etc. (any combination is fine as long as you have the Flash and the Actionscripting down!) You must have ad agency experience or relative experience interfacing with a creative team. Good communication is essential as you will be working closely with conceptual people, fellow developers and often times, senior executives. An outstanding online portfolio or URLS utilizing flash is absolutely required. To Apply to this job go to or click here